second trial

the second day to do the second experiment make a legit layer cake or can also be called a cake spoekuk. Today, my group and friends will look for another new recipe, because our recipe failed yesterday. When we get the recipe again, we start preparing.

           When we started weighing all the ingredients, I sent my male friend to turn on the oven to be used. This time I stirred all the ingredients until blended. After being flat, I put the mixture into the triangular paper. then start pouring the mixture into the mold.

          After pouring it, we put it in the salamander so that the top is cooked. After cooking, we iron and then pour the mixture again. We do it like that until the mold is full. Then when finished, we also presented to Pak ical, but unfortunately we failed again, he said, "our cake has not yet fallen evenly, it is easy to be separated between me
tu with the others "


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